(361) 436-1098 (Please leave your message with your request for a call back - Thanks)

(361) 436-1098 (Please leave your message with your request for a call back - Thanks)
PO Box 1223, 304 Houston Street, George West, TX 78022
Vision Statement:
Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre strives to be the finest small town community theatre in the State of Texas by offering a variety of arts programming, presented in a historical theatre setting.
Mission Statement:
At the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre, our mission is to enrich the cultural fabric of George West and beyond by providing a vibrant and inclusive space for the performing arts. We are dedicated to nurturing local talent, presenting quality programming, and creating unforgettable experiences that entertain, educate, and empower community members of all ages.
In 2004 the historic West Theatre in George West was entrusted to a dedicated group of citizens. With a vision to transform it into a vibrant performing arts venue, the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre was born. As a 501[c](3) entity we greatly appreciate and encourage donations to support our mission and welcome volunteers to participate and assist in performances.
The name of the theatre was originally “The West Theatre” named after the town’s founder George W. West and his wife Kittie West. The Dobie Museum was added in the foyer to showcase one of Live Oak County’s most notable sons, J. Frank Dobie, world-renowned southwest writer who was born in Lagarto, Texas and taught literature at the University of Texas. Thus, the name was changed to the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre.
Every month, we strive to offer a diverse range of entertainment including plays, musical concerts, current, vintage, and children’s movies on our silver screen, cultural and educational programs, comedy shows and dance performances. We take pride in featuring talented local performers. The venue is also used for educational, historical, and civic meetings. Ticket prices and rental cost of the venue are reasonable and are tailored to the performance and event.